Cryolipolysis Fat Freezing Gold Coast

Lose Fat Fast with Zero Effort

Trying to lose weight but the last stubborn bulges just won’t shift? You’re so close to having the body you want, but just need a little assistance?

This is where CLATUU Treatment comes in.

At Ultra Body and Skin, we offer incredible cryolipolysis treatment for successful non-invasive fat reduction and body sculpting.

Non Invasive
Down Time

Effective Results

Natural body shaping
and contouring

User Friendly


CLATUU Alpha fat freezing results are proven and deliver a cost-effective solution to our clients for a non-surgical treatment similar to CoolSculpting on the Gold Coast that they can have on their lunch breaks.

Is CLATUU Alpha Fat Freezing Right for You?

Our cryolipolysis Gold Coast treatment works best on pockets of stubborn fat in areas where subcutaneous fat resides. At our cryolipolysis clinic you can receive:

CLATUU, CoolSculpting and other face or body fat freezing treatments are not as effective for obese patients or those with a lot of excess weight to lose.

At your first consultation, we’ll discuss whether the CLATUU Alpha system is right for you.

During and after the treatment, the treated fat cells begin to die off upon crystallisation, and these dead fat cells are then metabolised as naturally as the salad you had for lunch.

CLATUU Alpha Fat Freezing

How It Works?


In 2004, Harvard scientists discovered that fat cells could be safely frozen and destroyed in a process named Cryolipolysis.

This breakthrough discovery led to the creation of FDA approved fat freezing technology in 2010 named CoolSculpting, which became widely available across the world.

With the increasing demand in fat freezing services, Classys created the CLATUU Alpha with double the fat freezing capabilities, meaning each session can address two targeted areas rather than one with the dual applicators. This makes the fat freezing process a faster, more affordable solution than only targeting one area at a time.


Cryolipolysis machines use non-invasive cooling suction cups, applied to the targeted fat region.

The targeted fat cells are then destroyed in a process called apoptosis and are naturally flushed out of the body via the lymphatic system over a period of approximately 4-12 weeks, though visible results can often be seen from the first treatment.

As the treatments are a non-invasive and non-surgical alternative to surgical procedures such as liposuction, you can return to your normal activities immediately. There is no recuperation time required.


Both the CoolSculpt technology and the CLATUU Alpha fat freezing machine made by CLASSYS are excellent options for those wanting to reduce areas of stubborn and excess fat.

The Clatuu fat reduction machine has several benefits to us including:

It’s for this reason that we’ve chosen to use the CLATUU Alpha system by Classys for our ULTRA Body & Skin treatments.

We want our clients to experience the benefits and results for themselves, so book in your fat freezing session today and watch the fat melt away. At our clinic we can help you develop a customised treatment plan that’s the perfect weight loss solution for your individual needs.


Our clients love the fast fat reduction results they receive with our CLATUU Gold Coast treatment. Check out the before and after pictures below of fat removal from the thighs and back bra strap region, and our double chin removal treatment:


The question on everyone’s lips is does fat freezing work? Is it truly possible to sit there at a CLATUU or CoolSculpting clinic and have your fat actually zapped away? The short answer is yes, fat freezing treatments such as CLATUU Alpha or Cool Sculpting on the Gold Coast work, but only on one type of fat; subcutaneous fat.

Subcutaneous fat is the superficial fat found close to your skin. Subcutaneous fat gets harder to remove as we age. It is responsible for those last few bulges that just won’t shift. It hangs out in stubborn pockets around the bra strap, under the chin and around the love handles. Even relatively thin people struggle to naturally remove subcutaneous fat with diet and exercise

Visceral fat is the unhealthy type of fat that congregates around your internal organs, making it easier to fall victim to health issues like diabetes and heart attack. Visceral fat is generally associated with obesity and cannot be targeted by fat freezing so unfortunately there is no easy answer to weight loss, only spot reduction and body sculpting.

The best fat freezing results are to be found on anyone who has smaller pockets of stubborn, hard-to-shed fat. Fat freezing is an excellent procedure for fat loss / body sculpting:

  • Non-invasive – no bleeding or anaesthetic required.
  • No downtime – Head back to the office afterwards!
  • No pain – you may feel an intense cold and mild tingling, but these sensations will quickly numb and subside. 
  • Fast acting – results in 3-12 weeks.
  • Long lasting – It is permanent fat reduction and the fat will stay gone as long as you maintain your weight.
  • Able to be used in multiple areas – you can use ULTRA Body & Skin as a belly fat reduction clinic, to get rid of your love handles, or even seek out our services for double chin removal on the Gold Coast. We can zap away almost any subcutaneous fat.
  • Effective – 10%-25% reduction in fat from each session. Follow up sessions may be desired to increase effectiveness.
  • Fat freezing is backed by science – originally discovered by Harvard scientists

The pricing for Clatuu fat freezing can vary depending on the area and the individual results you wish to achieve. Booking a free consultation is the best way to get more information on the service and price for your treatment.